STeph CHung

I spent my youth and college years as a competitive gymnast, then picked up CrossFit recreationally in 2013. I lived in the Middle East for 5 years after college, teaching biology and later full-time coaching CrossFit. I've also been competing in the sport of CrossFit professionally for 4 years and just recently went back to school to be a Physician Assistant!
Meet Coach steph
When did you start coaching?
Why Invictus Boston?
Favorite Workout?
After 3 years of CrossFit classes in the US and abroad, I made the jump to full-time coaching in 2016. I took my L2 in Dubai that year and continued to develop as a coach under Rob's watchful head-coach eye! I've been coaching gymnastics for most of my young life, and he really helped me to hone my skills and apply my knowledge to the CrossFit world.
The people! I absolutely love to work with people who are driven to improve their fitness and skill-set. The members' desire to learn and openness to coaching makes this community really special.
Handstand walking + bar muscle ups...add in a few squat snatch and I'm sold!